Foundation Funds
Endowed funds produce charitable income every year and help donors create a legacy of giving.
Click on the different fund types to learn more about each type and which funds are held at the Foundation.
Administrative Funds
Supports Foundation operations so that we are always here to help you impact today and transform tomorrow!
- Cloud County Administrative Fund
Designated Funds
Designated funds provide a permanent source of income to support your favorite charities even long after you are gone.
Current Designated Funds
- American Legion Avenue of Flags Fund
- Chavey Charitable Fund
- Concordia High School Endowment Fund
- Concordia Wesleyan Church Benevolent Fund
- Dale D. & Mary Jane Cool Fund
- Freda L. Radcliffe Fund
- Lorene M. Fraser Fund
- M. Lavon & Jack R. Brosseau Endowment Fund
- Margaret Babcock Morgan & Everett C. Morgan Family Fund
- The Masonic Lodge Grant Designated Fund
- Orphan Train Heritage Society of America Fund
- Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish Endowed Memorial Fund
- St. Concordia Cemetery Fund
- Teens for Christ Ministry Fund
Donor Advised Funds
Donor advised funds are a simple and flexible "charitable savings account" that let you decide when and where to give.
Current Donor Advised Funds
- Brown Family Level Up Fund
- Charles H. & Isabell Blosser Foundation Donor Advised Fund
- CF Sunshine Foundation Donor Advised Fund
- Concordia USD 333 Education Fund
- Ducks Unlimited-Cloud County-Backstrom Youth Memorial Fund
- Bruce & Michelle Graham Donor Advised Fund
- Steve & Walene Graham Donor Advised Fund
- HOPE Donor Advised Fund
- Jesse & Karalee Pounds
- Lyle & Marcia Pounds
- SMC Blessings Unlimited
- Robert & Lorene Steimel Donor Advised Fund
Field of Interest Funds
Field of interest funds respond to current and future needs by letting you support a specific cause or geographic area rather than a specific charity. Grants are determined by a committee.
Field of Interest Fund Fact Sheet
Current Field of Interest Funds
Cloud County Economic Development Fund
Supports positive, progressive economic or community development in Cloud County, KS
Cloud County Public Health Fund
Supports the protection and promotion of the health and wellbeing of individuals and their communities through encouragement of healthy lifestyles, behaviors and environments
Dane G. Hansen Community Grant Fund - Cloud
Supports projects or programs in the following areas: arts & culture; community beautification; community social services & security; conservation & environment; education; healthcare
Gelvin-Ingersoll Medical Education Fund
Supports medical education activities/scholarships to students studying in the medical related field
Kansas Health Foundation Fund for Cloud County
Supports the protection and promotion of the health and wellbeing of individuals and their communities through encouragement of healthy lifestyles, behaviors and environments
The Leonard & Dorothy Swenson Field of Interest Fund
Supports the most pressing needs of Cloud County with special consideration given to organizations, programs, or projects that address food insecurity, hunger and food assistance
USD 333 Endowed Education Fund
Needs of USD 333 as determined by the grants committee
Youth Activity Fund
Supports youth activities in Cloud County
Funds for the Future
Current Funds for the Future
- Joe & Maira Jindra
- Cylus & Donna J. Johnson
- Carole Lagasse
- The Neel Family Fund for Cloud County
- The Neel Family Fund for First United Methodist Church
- Swenson Trust Fund for Cloud County
Organization Funds
Organization funds offer a simple and efficient way for your nonprofit to build capacity and provide long-term support for your mission.
Current Organization Funds
Arts & Culture
- Brown Grand Theatre Fund
- Cloud County Historical Society Fund
- Frank Carlson Library Fund
- National Orphan Train Complex Fund
- POW Camp Concordia Fund
Children & Youth
- Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Cloud County Fund
- Child Advocacy Fund FTBO NCK CASA
- Cloud County 4-H Youth Fund
Community Development
- Broadway Plaza Operating Fund
Conservation & Environment
- N/A
- Catholic Youth Education Fund
- Cloud County Community College Foundation Fund
- Cloud County Community College Student Enrichment Fund
Health & Human Services
- Cloud County Foundation for Health Care, Inc. Fund
- Concordia Senior Citizens Center Fund
- Food Bank for Cloud County Community Fund
- Park Villa Nursing Home Fund
- Sunset Home, Inc. Fund
Parks & Recreation
- N/A
- The Baptist Church of Concordia Fund
- Concordia Lutheran Church Fund
- Concordia Lutheran Church Foundation Fund
- Concordia Wesleyan Church
- Fellowship Fund
- First United Methodist Church Foundation Fund
- Sisters of St. Joseph of Concordia Fund
Provisional (Project) Funds
Provisional funds serve as a short-term vehicle to collect charitable donations for a community project, such as a public-private partnership.
Current Provisional funds
- Full Court Press For Progress Fund
Scholarship Funds
Scholarship funds support student education and impact our future leaders.
We offer two different scholarship fund options for donors based on their interest and budget. Designated Scholarship Funds partner with schools and other nonprofits to facilitate the process, whereas the Community Foundation manages the process, start to finish for Traditional Scholarship Funds.
Current Scholarship Funds- Designated
- Dana J. Nelson Memorial Scholarship Designated Fund
- Doug Moore Wrestling Scholarship Designated Fund
- The Keith Christensen Outstanding Senior Offensive Lineman
- "Swede" & Larry Nelson Baseball Scholarship Designated Fund
- Trevor Lee Gennette Memorial Scholarship Designated Fund
- Woman Educator-Mildred Tracy Scholarship Fund
Current Scholarship Funds- Traditional
- C. Carl Cunningham Rotary Scholarship Fund
- Carol Puckett Memorial Scholarship Fund
- CF Sunshine Scholarship Fund
- Cloud Ceramics Masonry Scholarship Fund
- Gertrude Whitebread Scholarship Fund
- Irene Saulnier Scholarship Fund
- Pauline & Richard A. Cook Family Scholarship Fund
- Wayne & Alberta Neel Scholarship Fund
- Wendy Ann Koch Memorial Scholarship Fund
Unrestricted Funds
Support existing and future needs of Cloud County.
Current Unrestricted Funds
- Impact Fund for Cloud County
- Seize the Moment Fund - Cloud County

Contact Brenda Gilliland, Executive Director, Community Foundation for Cloud County